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"Hard is not hopeless." - General David Petraeus

Monday, July 16, 2012

Shouldn't An Author Be The Authority On His Own Book?

Health Note:  42 pounds gone.  Eight more pounds to reach my original goal.  If I can lose more if it's feasible given development of lean muscle mass and body fat percentage, then I'll do that. 

I LOVE weight training.  Intensive cardio is more of a challenge.  But I feel better than I have in years.  That scrawny, weakling kid who was always the last chosen in PE is getting in the best shape of her life! 8-)  Thank you, for that, Lord.  And thank you and bless the people you've sent into my life to help me do that.

On Writing: (No, this is not an excerpt from Stephen King's awesome book of that title)

Lately the subject of alternate endings of books has come up.  Today, author Clare Langley-Hawthorne discusses this subject over at The Kill Zone:

You can read Clare's post for the full scoop.

The bottom line for me is that if an author writes a book, I expect them to be the authority on their book--fiction or non-fiction.  That means I expect decisiveness from the author.  Whatever hesitations, fears, or quandaries the author faced while writing the book is for them to agonize over before they publish, in the privacy of their office between them, their computer, and perhaps their editor.

Not that we authors don't love discussing the writing process.  But if an author wants to publically air their options for a published work, that's best left to interviews and speaking engagements at writers conferences.

But when an author publishes their book, whether print or e-book, I'm expecting a definitive final product.

What do you think of the idea of publishing books with alternate endings?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm with you, Brenda. No alternate endings. (Perhaps extended chapters but no alternate endings.)