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"Hard is not hopeless." - General David Petraeus

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Awesome Weather Reminds Me Of 1st Year In AZ

What can I say about our weather except--WOW!!!!!

All this wet weather we are having reminds me of the very first year I moved here in 1997. The fall of '97/Winter of '98 was also an El Nino year and we had TONS of rain. It also produced the most spectacular wildflower season I've experienced to date in Arizona. I took tons of film that year.

When I got up this morning it was fairly warm--close to 60 degrees and I didn't need a jacket. I scoffed because the weather channel said the high for the day was going to be 54--which we'd already passed.

But the temperatures did indeed dive and we had plenty of rain. In fact, tonight, as the Pastor preached from Revelations, the rain was coming down fast and furious so that he had to practically shout to be heard over the sound of the rain on the roof.

To date, we've had 4" of rain this year. To put that in perspective, we usually get no more than 7" of rain annually --- and that's on a good year. And most of that 4" came in the last two and a half months.

On the writing front, I've been participating in March's writing class on characterization through ACFW, and it is really challenging my brain. I've had a great time with it this weekend. If you are an ACFW member, I encourage you to check out the course archives.

I'm just hoping that the creative juices I'm working up for the class will spill over into getting me charged up to get back into my novel. Things have been so hectic, there hasn't been much time to work on it.

Have a blessed week and may your writing goals be met!

1 comment:

Patti Shene said...

Hi Brenda. I receive the course emails in my inbox, but can never keep up. I still have emails from January's course! Maybe I'll take a peak at March, though, and try to catch up.

We had rain here this morning as well. The weather report says we are due to get some over the next four days due to a "huge" storm, but it's too warm for snow here. They are supposed to get snow in the mountains. Heaven knows we can use rain here, even though it is a pain when everything turns to mud.

Hope you get back into writing your novel soon. I have to do the same. Like you, other things have kept me from it, even though I am now retired. I wonder, if there were 48 hours in a day, would we get any more done? LOL!

Have a great week!